Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

new year 2013

pagi hari

Kembail teringat, menanti terbitnya matahari dari jendela kamar asramaku di KL.

Sendiri, minum Milo panas sambil mendengarkan lagu 
''Its About Time'' oleh Jemie Cullum.

Hanya Berdiri, mendengarkan musik , memandang kota KL, ke arah gedung - gedung yang disinari chaya matahari pagi. Indah.

Damai sekali rasanya.

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

face expressions

Chess-glow in the dark

with Blender 2.63
to make an object who can glow in the dark, you  need to add a World back into the scene and set the

In the World settings, find the panel labeled Gather and turn on Approximate. This with the open a panel called Indirect Lighting. With no lamp, object can glow

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012


A motion of the hand, head, or the body to emphasize an idea or emotion

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

The happiness of life is made up of little thing a smile, a kiss, a hug, a moment of shared laughter. . .

Oil Painting

Painting is great for your soul. 
trust me :)

'Celengan dan Apel'
50x70 Oil on Canvas

'Run Chiken Run!!!!'
40x40 Oil on Canvas

40x40 Oil on Canvas

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012


anything, everything, from batik shirt to art craft all in one store
Mirota Batik located just across the Bringharjo Market on Malioboro st. store with very very unique concept. Just come and watchout for the old lady wearing traditional javanese cloth on the front of store!


red rose, white rose, jasmine, lemon, and. . . 'kemenyan'

an antique clock

Javanese bride

and also, Bail Hai  <3

Senin, 30 April 2012

Mysticism of Lawang Sewu

''Lawang Sewu'' Is Javanese for 1000 Doors. 
Building with mystical aura and tragic history.
No, I'm not kidding. i'm pretty sure about ti! 
Cause in fact this building was once prison, and many prisioners died unnatural

Lawang Sewu
Ujung Jalan Pemuda, around Tugu Muda
city of Semarang.

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Sam Poo Kong Temple

Sam Poo Kong temple

located in the eastren Semarang 
its temple for praying, and also an historical  icon of Semarang with full of history. But there's nothing to see or do unless came here when Chinesse New Year or Cap Go Meh